Ron English — ArtToy artists– Vol.3

Ron English was born in Texas in 1966 and is the most influential pop artist in the United States after Andy Warhol. He has created a large number of “Destroying Childhood” series works and destroyed over 1000 billboards through graffiti, firmly occupying the throne of “Father of Street Art”.

Ron English’s artistic fields include record design, graffiti art, painting, arttoy design, and more. In these fields, his most influential collection items are doll design, and in addition to his own design, he also collaborated with many famous trendy brands to create and directly create trendy topics.His works have always been full of controversy. In addition to retaining strong artistic value, his reactions to social phenomena and contradictions have become obvious symbols. However, due to this, his influence has sharply increased and gained high attention from the American art community.
ArtToys are a common carrier of his artistic expression.
The most representative work of Ron English belongs to the “Laughing Teeth” series. Ron English excels in secondary creation on the basis of existing art works, and the “Laughing Teeth” series is no exception. All kinds of cartoon characters cannot escape Ron English’s palm, damaging the innocent and beautiful IP image in the minds of countless children.


